Wednesday, August 31, 2005

One Stop Drink

You might see someone just suddenly stop driving, turn to the pavement and sit down to have a cup of tea or a cup of rice wine and a deep puff on Hubble-bubble pipe. Do not be surprised, because that is a very common habit in the north. Having a bit of a chat with friends or sometimes just alone seems to be something which must be done.

You also can have some other drinks by these old ladies who own the tiny little tea shop, which is show on a small table with some different kinds of soft drinks and a cigarette box. But the most of their income is from tea. There are quite a few different of tea as Lid Eugenia tea, Green tea, Brown tea, Flower buds tea, ect. The most common tea is Green tea and Lid Eugenia tea which is only cost you about 500Vnd or maybe 1000Vnd. It helps your sleepy problem and old Vietnamese people love them. The most popular tea is from the Thái Nguyên province.

Thanks to Liz Lowerson for the interesting picture


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Very interesting blog, i like your old man picture.

  2. A post good and useful. Thank you!
