Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Farewell JC


I should have posted this month ago but I was so busy so that I decided to post it now. My friend Jc and Felicity came to Viet Nam for work and they were here for over a year. They said that they love Hanoi and Viet Nam. Felicity left Viet Nam last year to return to London for work and a few weeks ago it was time for JC to go back to get closer to her and be her good man.

Happy face

We went out alot together, usually about 5 to 10 of us, to enjoy a beer or two. Most of us are writing weblogs but we work in different fields. As you know, I work in a restaurant, Jc worked for a newspaper and the rest of the group are English teachers. It's a bit difficult for us in conversations sometimes due to the language barrier but I have learned alot from them and my English has improved a bit as well.

Moon River Retreat

Thank you JC and Felicity for coming to work and discovering Viet Nam and hopefully you guys will make a come back and marry here at Moon River Retreat, a place as special as you are! We all miss you.


  1. Oh, you will miss your friends. It's great that they took time to really live in Vietnam and experience life.

    I am reading "A Cook's Tour" by chef Tony Bourdein. He thinks Vietnam is the best place in the world and he thinks there's nothing on the planet better than a good bowl of pho.

  2. Hi! Finally I was wondering what brings you to blog about the food and beauty of Vietnam, whether you work there or work for someone who sent you there. =) I check in sometimes and have recommended your blog to others. Thanks for keeping me in the loop of that is happening over there. Hopefully, I can take my husband there for the first time next dec!

  3. Thanks for all comments and your encouragemnet
