Monday, July 17, 2006

CD Lady

Yesterday was a hot summer's day in Hanoi. After breakfast, I went to buy some Cds next door. The Cd shop in Hang Phen street has a lady owner who was playing very load dance music. I asked her to turn it down because it was giving me a headache and making the heat seem hotter. Her husband, who was sitting reading the newspaper, agreed with me. But she said to me " I love dance and hip hop music". I was really surprised because she looked about 60 years old and she is Vietnamese. God, what a weird day and a weird woman :)

What do you think about this?


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I don't understand what causes my Vietnamese neighbors to play their stereo systems or TVs or DVD players so loud in my HCMC neighborhood. It is a good thing that I like Vietnamese music in general, so I am learning about it as I hear it all day. But why do they all have to play it at maximum volume?

  2. ...

    well...I'm not Vietnamese and I play my music reaaaally until the bass makes the walls shake... That's just the way I like it.

    I guess some older people are more in touch with new kinds of music. A lot of them don't like new genres because they don't take the time to listen to it.

  3. I think it's kind of cool. Usually people think old people are very reserved. When people do the most unexpected things, you can either think it's weird, or realize age is nothing but a number.

  4. I go away a few days and look at you! Blogg city! How are things hottey! I assume your loving being back home! Loving you space as always!

  5. Okay so I just read the actualy post! You're not home yet! I AM music! It's my life! But in VN, just to give everyone some idea. It's like your buisness is everyone elses buisness! I can rememeber my first time there. The neighbors were fighting and ALL the neighborhood kids had a ticket to watch the show! When I lived there the neightbor boys loved the song "I'm a barbie girl" and played in on replay until I thought I was going insane! Things in the country are just done loudly! And I mean EVERYTHING!

  6. I think it's perfectly normal...young at heart..that's most important..I predict she will lives past 100 yrs

  7. ...and the honking. At first it droves me nuts, but then I got use to it and just tune it out. I have to say, I did welcome the quietness when I got back to the states. I like my music loud too, but I'm deaf in one ear - childhood ear infection.

  8. My mom is older than that woman and loves to play contemporary music quite loud!

  9. Thanks for all comments, I surprise because Viet Namese ladies don't really like rap or hip hop music especially with her age. Maybe like what black feline said, young at heart.
    Thanks for all comments.

  10. i think it's pretty neat that she can enjoy the kind of music she can be happy with. Whether it is classical, opera, country--we all have that sense of taste that makes us all unique.

  11. I'm 62 and I like my music loud too, but when someone walks into the house I turn it down out of courtesy to them.

    I don't play it loud enough to bother my neighbors though.
