Thursday, November 16, 2006

I Quit My Job

I have been working in hospitality since I was 18 years old and I've never been so tired of it as I have in the last one and a half years. It's not about the work pressure, but because of my boss' treatment.

I've always thought about myself as a good employee who tries my best in all of my duties but that didn't seem to mean anything to my boss.

Maybe I wasn't a good assistant because I didn't tell him all about the staff mistakes and instead asked about staff conditions. I always told my colleagues straight away about whatever they did wrong and helped them to communicate better to customers. I am not a hard guy and very understanding person that's why I have a really good relationship with most people I have been working with.

So I had a problem about what to do. I really didn't want to be a busy body and tell the boss about the smallest things because I could solve those problems, but sometimes, even though you think you're doing the right thing it's still not acceptable.

Anyway, I felt so tired that I decided to stop working at this beautiful restaurant, after that I think I will move down to the south next year for another job. I also hope I can do my favorite work again in hospitality or something related to hotels, tour companies, restaurants, organizing events and functions.


  1. Sorry to hear your job was difficult. Sounds like your supervisor was a micromanager. I'm sure you will find a job in hospitality that you will like. Good luck!

  2. Anonymous4:59 AM

    You should head back to Nha Trang as there are many 5star hotels that would surely employ you!! goodluck with your next venture

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Good luck on your next adventure! So sorry to hear about your job; I was looking forward to stopping by this upcoming xmas (My family and I are traveling through Vietnam for two weeks); I really enjoy your food musings and photography: keep it up!

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Enjoy the rest and good luck for your next move.

  5. You did the right thing. With your good English skills, you should have lots of opportunity anywhere you go.

    It's the restaurant's loss that you left.

  6. Chao Anh Tu,

    I won't say I'm sorry to hear the news, since you seem to feel that you made the right decision:) Looking forward to reading about your next adventure...!

  7. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I want to congratulate you for liberating yourself from a difficult boss. With your English and people skills you should be able to pick and choose your next job. I really enjoy your travel postings. I sense that you would make an excellent tour guide.

  8. Hey tu. soory to hear you had to leave a job that you used to love. I'm going down to HCMC this december? will you be there? Great if we could meet up for coffee and exchange foodie notes.

  9. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Hello! I am a visiter in your blog. Your blog is really awesome. I am suprised that you write your blog in English that I can read it. Your words and pics increase my interest to go to vietnam and laos. The food is yam and the people are friendly.


  10. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I feel real sad to hear abt your job. Hope you find something you really like soon, and that the person you work for, will be a kind and considerate person. I had a bad bad boss too. I could only take 7 years with her. I quit too. But, I want to say, I love, love your blog and the pictures. I look forward to your blog, all the time. We love Vietnamese food.
    You take good care, ok?

  11. Anonymous4:09 PM

    that suxs, i hope you find a job that you like and a boss that is easier to work with :) Enjoy your holidays while it last.

  12. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I read your blog every week and enjoy the photography, best wishes and good luck, looking forward to see more photo's and writings.

  13. Thanks all for your supports. I think I will move down to Saigon next year where I can feel really at home.

  14. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Are you feel OK now?
    I always said that you should move to HCM or return our family.
    Hope you don't change your plan next year.

  15. Good for you! Good luck with your new adventure: it's obvious that you have great talent and a wonderful creative eye. You've got lots of fellow bloggers to use as references on your next job application!

  16. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Anh Tu,

    Just got back from NYC and saw this news. Having been working since age of 18 has brought to you great knowledge and experience. You blog can tell that to me. Anyway it's good sometimes to leave the old and explore the new. Wish you all the best.

    Keep this blog up and running please.

  17. Hi all, thanks all for your encouragement. I hope I can get a job soon.

  18. As an employee, I always try to resolve problems among my peers first before going to my boss. I'm sure you won't have any trouble getting another job. Sounds to me like you have valuable assets. You should try a five-star hotel in Saigon. Good luck with job hunting.

  19. I hope sincerely it will be well for you in the near future
    It's good to speak about our own difficulties, that helps to fight them

  20. Anonymous10:44 PM

    with your experiences & english skills, i'm sure you find a new job pretty soon.

    but i thought you made the right decision to move. sometimes when times when things did't make any progress, inspite of your hardwork & effort, its a sure indication that its time for you to move on to new environment & challenges. you're up to that challenges ahead mate!

    all the best ... take care & please keep on blogging :)

  21. i know you will find something better. you're warm, intelligent, and you love what you do. i wish you the best of luck. i'm sure you feel much better knowing you don't have to deal with that boss anymore.

  22. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I really enjoy reading your blogs about food and life in Vietnam. It brings back fond memories of my past visits there. I am heading to Saigon again for a month in Jan of 2007. If you are in Saigon during that time, maybe we can meet up for tennis. That would be a great way to burn off calories from all the fried soft-shell crabs and beer I will be having.

  23. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I think you were ready for a change. I was impressed by your efficiency and discretion the time I was at the restaurant where you worked. I expect you will do well wherever you end up. I would be interested in what becomes of your quest!
    Good luck!!!

    Also, When I visited Hanoi in June 2006, I went to the Emperor Restaurant with a friend and I was most impressed by the service and the food. I appreciated your comments on this restaurant.

    Micheal Hunter

  24. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Hello Dear Friend,

    It's been ages. Thought I'd check to see if your site was still around. You've done a marvelous job with it. The layout is easy to read and the ambience is relaxing. The photos are still gorgeous and the posts are still interesting. Makes me nostalgic for Vietnam again. Sorry to hear about your difficulties with your boss. Your vast experience combined with your warmth and genuine interest in people make you a great asset for any successful or aspiring employer. Let us know who the next lucky employer will be.
    I know you're awfully busy, but when you have a second, drop me a line. I'm still at the same address. Be well and happy.
    My Linh (Canada)

  25. Hi Micheal Hunter and My Linh,
    Thanks guys. I will for sure!
    Have a great week!
