Friday, November 03, 2006

Lao Faces I

Mum and son (7

Lao people have such beautiful, calm faces. A little girl or an old lady, an old man, they have different faces but from their expressions you can see that they are happy even though they may have many things to worry about in their daily life.

Gorgoeus baby

Lady at the Cave

They are indeed a friendly people and a smile seems always on their faces. This is a good thing for tourists, making Laos a friendly, warm experience. Please look at the following beautiful faces of Lao.

Man at the cave

Night market seller

Tobe continued


  1. Beautiful photos, Tu!

  2. Great photos. I love your blog. When I come and visit it, it reminds me that I should look for the wonderful things where I live, because there are interesting and special things all around us.

  3. I think that little boy in the picture should worry about finding some underwear!

    Great pictures though.

  4. I LOVE these photos... thanks for sharing them!

  5. Amazing images.. Settle an arguement plz.. Is the top pic of a Mom and child or two children??

  6. Hey nice photos man! It's blogs like these that make me decide where I want to go for Tet next year - and Laos seems to me right up there on my list now :)

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    This must be one of the most useful Blogs on the net - I'm an Aussie student, travelling through Vietnam in Feb 07. There is SO much info in your archives, I just read them all!



  8. Anonymous5:41 PM

    the 'smiling faces' and warm greetings are perhaps true for every Asian country, don't u think? nice series by the way.

    i've been yearning to see Vietnam and Cambodia for the last few months and ended up somewhere else (indonesia, malaysia, singapore, and china), and in my dire need to know more about these countries, my unending site browsing lead me to your blog. great stuff you got here.

  9. I haven't been to other Asian country, but the friendly people in Vietnam is what make it so special!

  10. Hi all, thanks for your support.
    junebee, These people are really poor :)
    Cheesy, they are mother and son

  11. Ahhhhh ty Gk~~~ I won that round lol

  12. Anonymous7:20 PM

    great blog
    watch now tv
    more than 3000 channels tv for free

  13. Thanks SmilingHn, Cheesy

  14. This is a good blog, i really aprecciate your work.

  15. Good information and good work!!

  16. I suppose everyone must browse on this.

  17. After all Laos is a happy places don't you think?
