Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Britney Spears

I don't know if Britney Spears is still alive or if she's passed away but in Vietnam, her gravestone has been on display in Hanoi's Old Quarter for years. She has had so many scandals related to her personal life and in her career that it makes me wonder if this has had influence on her downfall.

Britney Spears

Interesting, too, that the Virgin Mary is prominent alongside Britney. She surely must have given up on her by now?

If anyone's heard about her lastest news, please stop by because I am really concerned.


Fëanor said...

Ah, I didn't realise that Britney Spears was elevated to divinity in Vietnam! I thought this was a particularly Indian predilection :-)

Anonymous said...

It must be a sample for tumbstone advertisement.

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Don't worry, God, she's ok. What I'm worried about is your Greek visa!

mbbodemer said...

great post, thanks! i saw this in the old quarter too, hilarious

Thuy said...

Britney is not dead, but her "career" is. LOL!

Anonymous said...

thank for the post . I got good lol.
I got you from Gourmet. Good presenter.

Vietnam tours said...

I like your post, Thank nice