Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cooking Class

Rosewater Syrup Cake

I was invited to join a cooking class at The Hanoi Cooking Centre in Chau Long Street to cook Middle Eastern food for the first time. I have to say, cooking is not an easy job unless you desire to cook. Like most Vietnamese men, I can cook some basic Vietnamese food but going to a class about another cuisine is totally different.

Cooking class

It was so interesting to cook something from a part of the world I've never been to and learn some of the basics of cooking, including bread-making. Tracy, the chef instructor showed us her passion for food and her cooking experience. It was very nice meeting her. Anyway, the menu consisted of Cinnamon Braised Lamb, Lemon Cous Cous, Baba Ghanoush, Pita Bread and Semolina, Almond and Rosewater Syrup Cake.

Cous Cous and cinnamon braised lamb

It took us two hours to finish these dishes. All of the members of the class had a great time making the dishes. By the end, though, I was actually quite physically tired and my arms felt like they has a workout after making heaps of Pita Bread. After the class, we all went upstairs to the bar/cafe area where our table was set up and we tried the results of our hard work. I have to say, I cooked really well that night :) The food was really yummy.

Thanks Tracy, thanks to the Hanoi Cooking Centre for giving me a chance to learn and for the nice company on the evening.


  1. Hello, if you can, please do not quit blogging. I do enjoy your site.

    (in America)

  2. wow sounds like a good class, the food looks delicious

  3. Hi! I am so glad to see you are still blogging! I just googled "young tofu" for your recipe that I meant to try already in 2006...

    I still have rice flour from 2007 from when I last planned to make it. Do you think it'll still work? And you never answered my question whether it should be green beans (the tiny ones the Chinese prefer in a sweet soup in summer) or green peas.

  4. Dear Tu,

    Nice to see you blogging again. Your site has been very entertaining and informative. Duc is right, don't quit blogging.

    So how's the weather in Hanoi right now ? I will be in Hanoi again in May. My last trip was in August last year. Too bad can't meet up with you during the last trip. Guess you were busy .

  5. where is this cooking class on this street? Which No. of the street? I am in Hanoi and I want to come to see there.

  6. Duc, thanks

    Space babe, I dont think that flour can be used after that long. I think fresh green bean:)

    Unitedlove-forall: May is not the best time to visit Hanoi as it's really hot and humit. Have a great time!!!

    Amy,please check out this link :
    have a great time in Hanoi

  7. Wow, I like your post.

  8. I like cooking class
