Sunday, January 22, 2006

Beer and Cheers

I think in Asia or even in western countries, end of year parties are a cultural tradition. In Vietnam, we have lots of parties for this occasion for a few special different reasons.

The first reason is to say good bye to the old year and welcome the new year with cheers and beers to a successful year. The second reason is to meet up with friends and colleagues. The third reason, which the government is actually trying to stop, is the exchange of presents from the staff to the management, which is a common form of corruption.

Almost every company celebrates at a restaurant, Bia Hoi or at hot pot places, karaoke or at Dog restaurants. You might think that it's so weird to celebrate an end of year party at a Dog restaurant, but in Viet Nam, eating Dog meat at the end of the year is a way of ridding bad luck away from you and welcoming the best to come to you.

At this time of the year, it's not easy to book a big party in an expensive restaurant because they are already booked by all of the big companies for months in advance - even hot pot restaurants. Karaoke is popular after meals to relax for Asian people who love singing and can sing amazingly well. But along with the normal karaoke there is another second service called "karaoke om", which means you sing with a prostitute sitting right next to you, who provides extra 'services' in exchange for a big tip :)


Anonymous said...

I haven't gone yet to Dog Restaurant in Vietnam, this is something new, thanks for sharing this one. I'll be going back to HCMC after my one-man show in April 2006 (Philippines). I'm still recuperating from my own and off illness. Thanks.

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Hi Godknows, thank you for your comment on my post re. translation. Please check my new post re. chinese attack against vietnamese culture ( Sorry for the blog whoring ;-)

Anonymous said...

hey man, just go to google video. there you can upload content or access what others have loaded. they give you the java script for the addition of the content

Miss Cellania said...

The reason for end of the year parties is... well, just one more reason for a party! And management should give gifts to the staff, not the other way around!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be following yours.

Anonymous said...

I would never eat dog meat, nevertheless.

When is Lunar new year? :P I am always late on the celebration i don't even celebrate as it's been ages ago, i really have no idea :(

Vagabonder said...

Celebration of Tet in the North is always more interesting, very traditional.Gosh,I really miss VNese foods now ;-(. BTW, for khuc cake, apparently the leaves are difficult to find now? My most favourite.

Love your blog!

Vagabonder said...

BTW2, I think eating Dog meat to get rid of bad luck is what Northern Vnese believe, in the South, nobody eats dog meat near to New Year.

And "kareoke om" is actually called "beer om" no? ;-)

GoingGlobal said...

I have tagged you. Check out my blog for more info.

Van Cong Tu said...

Tet is start from Jan 29 just for few days.
Miss Cellania: The company give money or gift to staff but...

Vagabonder: They have both "Om"

Buddhist with an attitude: no worries mate, I will check it out.

Anonymuis, Danny: Dog meat in the north different than in the south in flavor, I ate dog in Hanoi quite a few times but I still miss my Nha Trang Dog meat flavor.

Ela. Thanks for that, I will do it.

Shoshauna: thanks

shadow20002 said...

Well, i was going to assist a spectacle in my country for the new year vietnamese (TET)'s was really great, they have many great singers.

slurp! said...

nahhh .. no dog meat for me as well.
just lots of alcohol will do :) ok, maybe add roasted peanuts as well.

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog on and off since you made it to the Blogs of Note list, so I was quite thrilled to see you'd stopped by. Thanks a lot. I really enjoy your blog.

sttropezbutler said...

Ah yes...more to see...more to read...this is fantastic.

Merci and Cheers for the New Year!


Anonymous said...

Chúc mừng nǎm mới!

Aarya said...

Dog Restaurant - this is a new info to me. looks like u had a 'great' time;)

krisTi said...


Quiet said...

Happy New Year!

black feline said...

Happy New Year to u! Wow! Dog Restaurant! For a moment I thought it was a restaurant for doggies and must be doing great biz since 2006 is Year of the Dog!..eating dog? Im really really a cat after all!

Abaniko said...

I wish I could visit Vietnam one day and experience all these. My cousin stayed there for 2 years and he only had nice things to say about the place.

Van Cong Tu said...

Hi Abaniko, I am sure you will have a good time if you come over here. contact me ok
Rivka thanks said...

Really useful information, lots of thanks for your post.

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