Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My Work Place

Wild Rice

Working in hospitality requires lots of special skills particularly when working in a high class hotel or restaurant.

Che long nhan

Wild Rice is well-known for contemporary Vietnamese food that is beautifully presented. It is not just an average Vietnamese restaurant serving traditional dishes. Wild Rice is one of the fine dining restaurants in Hanoi that provides good food, great atmosphere and high quality service. Staff at Wild Rice are well trained and understand the idea of customer space.


junebee said...

How long have you worked there? Do you like it? Any good stories?

Cỏ Tím said...

Nice place...so, do I get a discount if I eat there : p

Writer and Nomad said...

i've worked at a few upscale places, and you're right it does take some skill. for me, it was very difficult to deal with the snotty people who came into the spa i once worked in. they were all ridiculously wealthy. now, i'm an editor/proofreader. i sit at my desk and no one really bothers me.

Anonymous said...

Your journal is really special and one I look forward to reading. What a blessing the internet has given us in better understanding other cultures.

alan said...

I learn so much from you; I am grateful for every entry!

Thank you!


Jean said...

It is with much pleasure that I look at your photographs
My wife will try to make your receipts of kitchen.
It makes a success of déja of many receipts Vietnameses. Thank you for your visit.

C'est avec beaucoup de plaisir que je regarde vos photos
Mon épouse va essayer de faire vos recettes de cuisine . Elle réussit déja de nombreuses recettes vietnamiennes .
Merci pour votre visite .

Jade L Blackwater said...

It's amazing how big of a difference presentation can make!

Tim Rice said...

It looks and sounds like a nice place to eat out.

And, oh, you made me laugh good naturedly when I read your last comment on my blog. :)

Van Cong Tu said...

junbee: over 2 years.
co tim, if you come, you will get discount:)
Tim rice, it is really a good place to eat out , 46th in the world voted by heaps magazine.
April, I want to have a job like you too :)
Life at Star's Rest, Jib, Alan thanks for your sweet comment
Jean, I hope you and your wife have a good meal tho

confusemandy said...

i will hold a gala dinner for 110 guests in Hanoi on 28/2 2009 we would like to know
more about your restaurant,can you
pass me the contact to the following email :
for example the Menu , capacity ,
please contact me as soon as you can

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