Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My Work Place

Over the last few months, Wild Rice restaurant where I work has had quite a few parties booked and I have had to arrange some of them. The table settings and flower arrangements depend on the purpose of the occasion.

Wild Rice

For example, in the picture below, we arranged this table for a dinner meeting and it took us one hour to get it perfect.

Wild Rice rest

And in the following picture, we arranged a huge party at the Temple of Literature where we served almost 200 people. It took us 3 hours to arrange these tables.

Van Mieu party -Wild Rice rest

Moon River Retreat is a peaceful place which has four rooms with garden and river views. This is one of the most popular boutique destinations now. With Vietnamese design in the old house and the guest rooms and a garden with starfruit trees, along with the view of the Red River will make a stay here really memorable.

Moon River Retreat

I always enjoy organising parties for work or for myself, I don't know why. Maybe it's because I have been working in the tourist industry for a long time. I suppose there is some satisfaction in this kind of work, making a place look nice and seeing the guests' reactions.


  1. wow

    beautiful setting

  2. I'm impressed. There must a lot of knowledge and skill in setting up banquets like that.

  3. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I have been reading your blog for a while. It brings back a lot of memories about Vietnam for me. Just a curiosity, are you gay?

  4. You are VERY GOOD at what you do. The table settings are very nice and look very appealing. I wish I was eating at both of these places...the atmosphere is lovely.

  5. Wow, those look like the best tables at the highest-class NY restaurants!

    I used to enjoy arranging the table when I was a teen and my mother had big family dinners. Now I haven't got the patience for it!

    Do you want to open your own restaurant some day?

  6. the lighting is simply stunning! world class!

  7. Wow! says monika and so do I! I really am breathless. These are beautiful table settings very elegant looking.
    Thanks for passing by.

  8. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The table setting & ambient are wonderful. I really enjoy your posts and photographs. They're such a joy to read. They just make me want visit VN and dine at these places.

  9. I think it may be interesting to be one of your friends !

    I know some guys [ 3 in fact ] who learned to work in a restaurant.
    One even is so good [ he is excellent in a restaurant, more than when he was pupil ! ] he is working now in the restaurant "la tour d'argent", one of the most famous in Paris.
    These guys like very much organising parties for their family or friends like you do...
    In fact, their job is their pleasure.

  10. wow, beautiful :)

  11. Anonymous6:38 AM

    so are you an american? your business is in vietname/? r u there now? i am very interested in knowing more email me vickyng595@yahoo.com

  12. Hi all,
    thanks for all comments.
    this restaurant serves Vietnamese food . But it's going down since i left due to many many complained about food and service, its more populare for tour companies.

  13. Goodness, there is a lot of worthwhile info in this post!

  14. Awesome place to any kind of activities! there's no doubt it!

  15. Pretty effective material, much thanks for your article.

  16. It is a post good and interneting.

  17. I like your work, it is a work interesting.
