Sunday, May 06, 2007

Chicken Pox

Chicken pox

I’ve got chicken pox before I went on holiday but I didn’t realize it. I thought I had a food allergy which I bought different medicines for and of course they didn’t have any effect at all. I felt really tired and ordered a at pizza home to eat but I couldn’t finish it, then I felt very hot inside but cold outside my body. I fell asleep after drinking some water. In the middle of the night, I got a really high fever and I couldn't move my body and just slept on the sofa. I felt better in the morning and went upstairs to sleep in the bed and relax for the whole day. I thought that I felt ill because of the pizza. I bought different medicine at the pharmacy in Hanoi but it didn’t really help. I went to Hoi An with my friend and the spots started appearing all around my body and face. I thought it was the effect of the food allergy. After I went back to the pharmacy in Hoi An, the girl told me to see the local doctor. I went there and he told me that I had chicken pox. Oh my god, it was scary!

Chicken Pox

The doctor's wife told me to stand away from her because she doesn’t want to catch my chicken pox but in a funny way. I did that. She gave me lots of pills for 5 days including a shampoo and some facial cream. It cost around 180,000vnd and it worked. Thank god! My face is almost getting back to normal but my holiday has finished. Shit happens!


  1. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. yes, hope you are well soon. I had that when I was giving my O level tests...those days we were not allowed to use any medicine.. just let it run its course..

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Hope you did not infect any kids on the plane with your chicken pox while travelling. See, it was hell travelling for you during public holidays but it must have been hotter hell for the parents too! Consider that an experience and preparation for future marriage planning (if any).

  4. Damn varicella zoster can be so annoying at least the chances of you getting it again after this are very slim.

  5. Anonymous8:14 PM

    say, i stumbled upon your blog by typing in my name "phung vong" to google's image search. and up came this photo of your vietnamese dish.

  6. Dear me Vietnamese God,Im glad to hear u are recovering ..the fever is terrible and the blisters can get so itchy! I do recall my children with it just last was horrendus!

  7. Hi all, Thanks so much for your concern. I am getting better now.

  8. oh no!
    wow, you've never had it?
    they have a vaccine now, but maybe it only works on children.
    i had this stupid disease when i was 12 or so. it was depressing.
    it's supposed to be easier to get when you are young.
    get well soon (or maybe i hope you are already better!)

  9. Yes, there is such a thing as the 'Chicken Pox' vaccine. In America, we give it to our kids when they are young, and they get a booster shot a few years after.

  10. Dear me Vietnamese God,Im glad to hear u are recovering .

  11. Thanks a lot for suggesting this medication.


  12. Oh my god, there is a great deal of helpful data above!

  13. It won't really have effect, I think this way.
