Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Old Lady's Cake

Banh Dau Xanh

Grilled green bean cake sounds a bit weird just because of the name. I don’t think I've ever heard of it before but an old lady in Hoi An is selling it right now and her cakes are pretty delicious. I asked her what the real name was because I didn’t believe what she told me. She told me that the grilled green bean cake included other ingredients like coconut, sugar, ginger and sweet potato. That sounds better, doesn't it? She opens from 3 to 5 in the afternoon.

Banh Dau Xanh

I went back to her stall again to buy a few more but she smiled and told me whispering, sorry love, please come back tomorrow. She was so sweet.


  1. You're right, green bean cake doesn't sound very good, but the other ingredients do.

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Hi Tu, do you mean green bean as in "dau xanh"?

  3. those look really good to me.

    they don't look green.

    yes, what kind of bean is it actually?

  4. Hi Tony and Tracy,
    Thats green bean and it means Dau Xanh.
    Tracy, Can you email me your house adress so that I can send you the stamp.

  5. hm, I can't tell if they sell the same type of banh in the states or not! they look delicious though.

  6. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I think Mung Bean is a more correct term, it's the seed of beansprout. Green Bean are the long, stringy vegetable (fruit?)

    The reason it doesn't look green because they strip out the green skin to only use the white starchy part of the bean for this type of cake.


  7. Hi Mish, Grean bean is small and round.
    Hanh, I dont think they sell that in the USA, because this is Hoi AN's special :)

  8. I can't tell if they sell the same type of banh in the states or not! they look delicious though.

  9. I think Mung Bean is a more correct term, it's the seed of beansprout. Green Bean are the long, stringy vegetable

  10. Goodness, there is a lot of effective info in this post!
