Sunday, August 27, 2006

Ha Long Bay Part I

Tu- Ha Long Bay

I took a two day, one night boat trip to Ha Long Bay with Vega Travel this week for a short break. Halong Bay is such an amazing place for a quiet and relaxing time, to get away from the motorbike horn, the shouting and the job stress. It is no wonder that this is one of the world natural heritage sites. Here is my story.

Ha Long Bay

The tour company picked me up from my house then we headed to Ha Long Bay, the trip taking us about three hours. The weather wasn't too good in the morning but it got better and the sun came out finally. I loved sunbathing on the top roof, and I took heaps of pictures and enjoyed drinking wine and cold beer. I took a small group trip with only eleven other people, a few from Spain, England and Viet Nam. The food was good on board the boat, we were served seafood, of course, and spring rolls, soup and salad and they also prepared a special menu for vegetarians as well.

Ha Long Bay

We went to what they call 'Surprising Cave' at first and this is a real wonder with an amazing cave with light and interesting rock formations. "Do you know what makes women happy?" asked my tour guide. Look at the picture below and you will get the answer :)

Ha Long Bay - surprising cave

After the cave, we went to Ti Top island where the boat stopped for awhile for us to climb up to the top of the hill which has an amazing view of Ha Long Bay. We left Ti Top to go kayaking nearby and swimming. This was the first time I'd ever tried kayaking and it was great. We swam until about six in the evening when we had dinner. I was a bit drunk at about eight after finishing off my wine and a few beers. I went to bed early but I woke up early the next day to catch the sun rise,at 5.30 in the morning. It was so quiet, nothing much happening around, just the boat engine going sometimes on and off. Sitting on the top of the boat in that peaceful atmosphere made me feel life is so nice and I just forget about the busy stress of normal life.

Ha Long Bay

To be continued...


  1. Ha Long Bay looks so beautiful and peaceful! I really miss it.

  2. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Mr. Tu, great picutres as usual. You seem to have taken a couple of good climbs to get those aerial photos.
    -- Mel

  3. Hey Sexy, I didn't get to see you in Hanoi this time...hopefully in December:)

  4. I've never been to
    Ha Long Bay but it looks and sounds like a beautiful place to be. I can't wait to hear about the rest of your vacation.

  5. Ha Long Bay, in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1,600 islands and islets, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Because of their precipitous nature, most of the islands are uninhabited and unaffected by a human presence. The site's outstanding scenic beauty is complemented by its great biological interest.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful place.

  6. it was quiet a long time I didn't pop into your site, business was hectic. Still the good scence and give me the blue's to go back there. Keep up the good work. Really enjoyed it. John

  7. Looking very much like a man of leisure there, Tu! What a great getaway. There's no such opportunity in the U.S.

  8. I love the last picture, can I put it on my blog with a link to you?

  9. you know, you really know how to have a nice time. and WHEN (not if) I get to Vietnam, Im hanging with you! :)

    i was impressed by the picture of the food. how cute they made everything with decorations.

  10. This is one of my very favorite places to be in VN! And then you take a boat out around some of the islands and WOW! I have a photo of myself in a cave of one of the islands. It is a post card!!!

  11. im definitely planning a trip...:)

  12. What a wonderful trip!!! I'm glad to hear it was so relaxing.

  13. i went to saigon ho chih min and back yesterday!

    whew i love vietnam it's really nice. !!

  14. Anonymous1:31 AM

    the picture of yours is soo great mannn .. it's awesomee .. looks soo relaxing and the place you are at .. it looks coool

  15. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Hi Tu

    I am very homesick just by reading your blog and seeing the beautiful images of Viet Nam. I am looking forward to Part II of Vinh Ha Long.

    Anomymous from Washington, D.C.

  16. Anonymous1:34 PM

    You are so sexy.. I love you.. Would u take me?

  17. hello again.

    i will be going over to Ho Chi Minh this December n travelling thru till Hanoi... if possible would like to meet up with you. tt would be way cool. ;-) let me know!!

  18. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Hello there. My name is Steven Rinella. I live in Alaska, in the United States, and I've been researching for an upcoming trip that I'm planning to Vietnam this winter. One thing I'd really like to do is try dog meat in Hanoi, and I was hoping to ask you a bit about that. I read your dispatch about the restaurants. My email address is is you can drop me a note. Thanks.

  19. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Vietnamese God has died ? Does anyone know if he's still alive? heehee...

  20. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Great photos, I yearn for the next ones!

  21. Ha Long Bay looks so inviting and rejuvenating. Wonderful photos!

  22. Hi all, thanks for all comments, sorry about no posts but my work has been busy and I had some time away for the Independence day holiday.
    HunkyBoy, are you a young girl?

  23. Anonymous9:40 PM

    It makes me miss Vietnam. I didn't get to go to Ha Long Bay.

  24. Hi nerdeff, Flora: Thanks.

  25. We were very happy with our cruise on the Halong Bay with Ginger Cruise on 25th of April , 2007. The accommodation on board, the service and the food was really good.
    All your staffs were very friendly and profesional.I highly apreciate their enthusiasm .Your service style made me very comfortable and happy during my trip.
    I will be there next time
    Thank you very much Mr Tony Thuc , Thank Asia-tourist company and thanks for all.
    Kind regards
    Grant Bacon , 39 Victoria RD,ClipfTon , New York, USA

    Halong bay Vietnam   nbsp; Sapa Vietnam    |
    Trip to vietnam   |  Tours in Vietnam   | 
    Vacation in Vietnam |   Tours in Hanoi Vietnam  |

  26. It makes me miss Vietnam. I didn't get to go to Ha Long Bay.

    Halong Bay Tours Halong Bay Vietnam

    Tours to Sapa Sapa Vietnam

    Vietnam Tours Vietnam Tours

    Halong Bay Cruise Halong Bay Cruises

    Touring Halong Bay Touring Halong Bay Vietnam

  27. I like your post, Thank you!

  28. A post good and useful.
