There are lots of organizations helping blind people to make lots of different products such as brooms, incense, feather dusters and tooth picks. That's why you can see them easily on the street. I really admired these people who try to earn a livelihood instead of being beggars. They only make a small income. What amazes me more is that they don't get killed or injured wandering through the crazy Hanoi traffic without full vision.
Most of the brooms are made from bamboo and coconut trees and certain types of grass while the dusters are made from chicken and duck feathers. I wonder if the bird flu is also having an effect on the productions of them.
Falling in love with your blogs! Having lived in VN and seen what your seeing. Thanks for the picts and the great feedback.
And muon email em? Vietmom2con@gmail.com
Hi Thao Huong,
Glad that you enjoy reading my posts and leaving nice comment. do not hesitate to email me if you are confused about anything. When were you last in Viet Nam?
My Dear GodKnows,
I've just read your blogs and find them enchanting! The culture you are exposing me, an American girl from "the Valley" is so foriegn it's often shocking. I thank you for enlightening me to the ways of a place and people I may never get to know otherwise.I have hoped to one day travel to Vietnam, and now I see there will be far more to the adventure than I ever dreamed!
Kind regards,
Miss Sheila
I think this blog is awesome... informative, yet mildly cynical... although I'm Filipino, I still appreciate all cultures of Asia... check out my blog... comical asians should stick together. haha
hi godknows,
its quite surprising how blind people go on selling these things in hanoi.
your writing style is very racy. enjoyed reading it.
keep it up
Dude I'm loving your blog!
Not anything to do with your post, but I've been to Viet Nam twice and I plan to go back next year (sometime in the spring time I believe). Maybe I will get to travel to your area! ^_^
Nice to meet you!
Thank you for your words and pics. I am enchanted!!!
Vietnamese God bless you..
I love your blog, it makes me miss the thought of Vietnam, I've been there a few times, i think I'm going again in a few weeks, i hope you update your blog more because I'm nearly finished reading all of it.
ha ha - my mom had one of those brooms! i will be in vietnam next year.j
now that is a good site
Congrats on making it on the Blogger Home Page, that is how I ended up on your blog. Loving your blog! Will be tuning in for more... keep up the great posts.
Just randomly stopped by and I was so interested in what you wrote. I actually got back from Vietnam a month ago and I must say the country has changed a lot in the past 10 years.
So do you live there because you work there or are you orginally from Vietnam?
At last the RSS feed has arrived :) Now, it's just NoStar who needs to get on the case Cheers.
Chao Anh!
It's been almost 5 years that I haven't gone back to visit Vn. Your blog is pretty good, I love the pictures. My mom is going back to VN and visit for the new year so she's definitely going to read your blog. Co gi thi cho Linh xin email roi se lat va hoi nhieu ve que huong Vn hon. thanks truoc nhe! email: angelic_torture0123@yahoo.com
Interesting how things have changed so much and so little. Keep blogging as blogging seems to be bringing the world together more than the diplomats or politicians.
Those actually look like solid products :)
Great blog, thanks!
That takes quite a fair bit of skill. Do they manage to sell majority of their stuff most of the time?
Hi! I came across your blog by accident and I think it's simply awesome! It's really wonderful getting a glimpse of the life in Vietnam from your entries.
I've been to Vietnam few months ago, and I'm going back again! I love Vietnam too!
Very nice blog. I was in Vietnam a few years ago and visited Hanoi. The streets there are crazy. It's terrifying crossing the street. Maybe it's better to just close your eyes and hope for the best!). I also visited Nha Trang, which was beautiful.
tourism.interesting job.must be fun.
i like your blog.full of food.love food.am planning to head over ur way once i have the time.im so looking forward to try the great spicy pork sausages.
as for me, im a freelance digital artist, busting my ass day and night.except for weekends.
drop by my blog every now and then.
Kia Ora (Hello) Tu, from that krazy blogger down under in New Zealand. You sure have got some fans - "godknows" where they come from, do you know ??? (hehe)Take care & all the best. I'll be back..... !!!
Hello Nice blog, I was in Nam several years ago and just love it. Please contact us at presspool@telenet.be we would love to publish your blog on our electronic newspaper. Our electronic newspapaer can be found at www.un-presspool.be
I really enjoy your blog. I am an English girl, a Buddhist, and I sponsor a little girl living in the Vietnamese countryside, so learning about your country is very helpful to me : )
hi ! upload more pic
I love your blog! I visited Vietnam a few years ago when I was just 16 and loved it... Nha Trangis very beautiful, it was one of my favourite places that I went to. Vietnam was the first place overseas that I went to so it holds a special place in my heart (I'm Australian).
Visit my blog sometime, I'm about to travel around Europe. Keep up to great blogging.
Really nice blog. I hope to met yousomeday and show you around you miss a lot but also tell me alot too.
love Nguyen Tien
Just happen to stumble into your blog because it was listed (along with the other 30 people! lol) I have to say...I like it very much! Ever since I was a kid, I've rejected my vietnamese background because I was a Vietnamese, born in Canada. As a teenager, my parents and I were always clashing because I grew up in the Western culture with western values. But now that I'm in my early 20s, I welcome it whole heartily. It's so important that we don't forget our roots and our culture and where we come from. I'm rediscovering that through your blog. Keep up the good work! :)
After reading your blog, I suddenly missed Vietnam, Hanoi to be exact. Was there for an Earthwatch project at Tam Dao National Park. Vietnam and the Philippines are very similar in so many ways! Hope to visit your country again.
You should sell them on the net.
Hi all,
Oh my goddddddddddddd. I am overwhelmed, let me think about this over night and i will get back to you.
Thanks for coming
hey VG, i was in Nha Trang in March 2005. I loved Vietnam. Only there 5 weeks, but i never wanted to leave. I know you're not the whole country, but your blog was featured and i was at that very moment going through my photos from the trip. felt like it was a cosmic thing.
no other comment than that.
I've worked in Vietnam and it must be devastating. Still, good blog though!
congratulations mate!
the power of propaganda! =)
p.s: u don't have to response to this comment of mine :D
Thank you for your post. Several of my good friends are from Vietnam and will be traveling with them this coming spring to the country for vacation. Tell me do vietnamese girls dig tall African guys. (:
Hi all,
Thanks for checking my blog, I actually a Vietnamese from Nha Trang but living in Hanoi now. I couldn't believe that Blogger put me on blogS of note and bring you guys into my blog to encourage me. Cheers
Hi there! I used to be scared of those chicken-feather duster. Not sure if Vietnamese parents use the rattan handle of the duster to 'discipline' naughty kids. My aunt used to hang it near her kitchen to warn my cousins to do homework on time, or they will be caned. ^__^;
Quite useful info, much thanks for the post.
Walking shop are common in Vietnam nowdays, just walk and see around you.
Hi, it is good. Could you help me tell a phone number of wholsaler of feather in vietnam because i want to sell it.my email is kao_neth@yahoo.com
Really interested by the concept of a walking shop! Sounds like hard work actually.
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