I talked to a lady seller on the street today. She said to me that she earned 25,000Vnd per day wandering around the old quarter, starting her day at 7am and ending it whenever she finished selling her stuff.

A little sweet, a little bit buttery, her produce was edible yams and sweet potatoes. Cakes and sweets can be made from them or they can be enjoyed as a simple snack. They are especially popular in the winter.

Cassava is another common food for Vietnamese who eat it mixed with rice or dipped in salt, sugar and chilli for their meals. This is not really something to eat everyday, but it's good on occasion. They are filling, can be eaten hot or cold and are sold all day long.
I like this blog so much already. Please keep posting. It's so interesting to see and read about things from your world. Cheers!
Merry Christmas and greetings from Portugal
chao ban!
em la nguoi singapore nhung em rat thich van hoa viet nam.
em rat vui duoc doc blog cua ban ve van hoa viet nam. =)
cu viet nua!
hey, thanks for posting abt Vietnam. for someone like me who is born out of vietnam...this is great...amazing yea! keep it up..i like readin it.
Hey, Love the blog! I'm curious- Have you always lived there? From your observational postings, sounds like the answer is "no" because of the perspective that you take. Either way, keep up the good work. I like to see more stories out of Vietnam that isn't war- or bird flu- related.
I've got this in favorites. A very enjoyable blog.
I love steamed yam and we occassionally have it in Malaysia when we can buy nice ones. I like mine dipped in sugar.
My parents are from Vietnam but I was born in the states. They make a lot of this stuff at home, so I'm familiar with lots of the things you blog about. But still, it's like I see it for the first time when it comes from someone actually in Vietnam.
Keep up the great work!
wow, i'm impressed at your English writing skills, considering you are from Vietnam. good job bloggin! :)
Hi! I'm so glad I found your blog. I'm going to visit Vietnam next week- first time since our family left the country 26 years ago. I am quite fascinated by the culture.
Kia Ora (Hello) Tu from that krazy blogger - again - from down under in New Zealand. I don't know how you do it, but you alawys find somethining of interest to blog about. It must be your charm !!! (hehe)
Hi all,
Thanks for viewing my blog and keep encouraging me.
Vanilla Frappe, Yes of course, i am just a human being :) I actually am a lucky guy that has a good job with an acceptable income but I sometimes feel bad when I see these people working really hard.
I love your blog! Please check out mine, http://placeofrufus.blogspot.com/
Troi oi! em biet tieng viet khong? i dunno abt u bro but the last time i was there i learn VIET the hard way. Imagine a malaysian who know nuts abt Vietnam trying to learn Viet from the locals. Keep up the good blog man. Dont you wanna blog about the local brew snake wine or beer ?
you are cazy
Hi fooDcrazEE,
tat nhien la em biet noi tieng viet roi. Em se post bai ve wine and beer really soon
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