Monday, August 29, 2005

Duck egg

Duck eggs are good for your health and puppies' as well. This idea maybe wierd but this is the reality in Viet Nam- Bloody popular!!!

When you eat duck eggs on the last day of the month, it erases your bad luck but it'll bring you bad luck if you eat them early in the month. It's just the same as dog meat. I usually have at least six duck eggs every week but i don't really believe in any superstitions. I eat them because I like them.

Some people like to eat young duck eggs but others love to eat them when they are a bit old, meaning you can see the whole baby duck with feathers, eyes and claws. They are traditionally eaten with shredded ginger and Vietnamese mint, salt, pepper and chilli sometimes.

Let's try one day and you might be surprised!


Anonymous said...

Good for one's health. if you usually eat 6 young duck eggs per week, it helps your headache desease. Sometimes you can put them in the hot pot, it's a very delecious dish. Maybe you can pan - fried them with "ngai cuu" one kind of herb.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm gonna pass on the duck eggs, bro.

Nice blog though. Very nice.

Van Cong Tu said...

Thanks for your comments, i hope you guys like my blog.

Preya said...

Hmmm...I somehow managed to avoid duck eggs, dogmeat and a lot of other stuff while growing up in Viet Nam. Or at least I think I did. :)

Anonymous said...

This dug egg is called balut. Very famous with Filipino.

Van Cong Tu said...

Hi, actually in Vietnamese duck eggs are called Trứng vịt lộn. Hope you like my post though.

Anonymous said...

So here is a question.

My neighbor trespassed into my yard to take duck eggs from a nest I had, on my property without my knowledge. Would they have had a party to eat duck eggs? As 5 of the eggs went missing, they had a party, now the last one is gone from the nest. I write this post in jest a little, because I'm beyond livid with the fact that they just walked on my property and took them.

muebles en torrejon de ardoz said...

The writer is totally fair, and there's no doubt.

Viagra Online without prescription said...

duck eggs? I'll pass this stuff is so freaky bro! I prefer hen eggs only.

Vietnam tours said...

I like Duck egg.