I was so surprised about how welcoming and friendly the fishmongers are. They showed me the fish, and they even smiled for the camera , actually telling me to take pictures of everyone for fun. This impressed me a lot, as in other parts of Viet Nam people don't usually agree to having their picture taken.
Anyway, I took loads of pictures and I hope you guys like some of them.
nice pic ,tu ! No pic for reunion dinner. What abt tet food ?
hmmm ... does that happens only on special occassion. I find that most I meet in HCMC were usually camera-shy. Some perhaps you need to make some purchase from them before they pose for your camera :P
The night does bring out a whole new world, doesn't it? :)
Those are some fish. The one is almost frightening.
slurp! really? they were all smiling to me, maybe I am a nice guy haha.
besang, sometimes it depends on you too mate. They seemed happy to show me about their job, and so glad that I went there.
JLB, yes, I think so.
3:33 PM
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